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Refresh Your Space Before Fall: A Simple Decluttering Challenge for Busy Families

As summer winds down and the busy fall season approaches, it’s the perfect time to refresh your home and clear out the clutter that’s accumulated over the past few months. A clean, organized space can bring a sense of calm and order to your life, setting the stage for a smooth transition into the new season. To help you get started, I’ve put together a simple decluttering challenge that’s perfect for busy families. With manageable weekly tasks, you can tackle clutter bit by bit, creating a more organized and peaceful environment in your home.

Week 1: Start Small

Kick off your decluttering journey by focusing on small, manageable tasks. Begin with a single drawer, a shelf, or even just your entryway. The goal for this week is to build momentum by experiencing quick wins. Clearing out these smaller areas will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep going.

Tip: Set a timer for 15 minutes each day and see how much you can declutter in that time. You’ll be amazed at how much progress you can make in just a short burst of focused effort.

Week 2: Tackle Problem Areas

Now that you’ve built up some momentum, it’s time to address those problem areas that tend to collect the most clutter. Think about the spaces that cause you stress when you look at them: the kitchen counter, the laundry room, or that chair in your bedroom that’s become a catch-all. Focus on decluttering these areas this week to create a more functional and serene environment.

Tip: If a space feels overwhelming, break it down into smaller sections and tackle one section at a time. For example, if the kitchen counter is your problem area, start with one end and work your way across over the course of the week.

Week 3: Clear Out Digital Clutter

Clutter isn’t just physical—our digital spaces can get messy too! Take this week to declutter your digital life. Delete old emails, organize your computer files, and unsubscribe from newsletters you no longer read. Clearing out digital clutter can help you feel more in control and make it easier to find what you need when you need it.

Tip: Set aside 10 minutes each day to focus on a specific digital task, such as organizing your photos or cleaning up your desktop. Small, consistent efforts can make a big difference over time.

Week 4: Wrap Up Loose Ends

In the final week of the challenge, it’s time to wrap up any loose ends. Go back to any areas you didn’t finish and give them a final pass. This is also a great time to establish routines that will help you maintain your newly decluttered space. Consider creating a daily or weekly tidying schedule to keep clutter from creeping back in.

Tip: Involve the whole family in maintaining your clutter-free home. Assign each family member a specific area to keep tidy, or set a timer for a family-wide 10-minute clean-up at the end of each day.

By taking on this simple decluttering challenge, you’ll be setting yourself up for a more organized and peaceful fall season. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection but progress—small, consistent efforts can lead to big changes over time. So, gather your family, start small, and enjoy the benefits of a refreshed, clutter-free home!

Happy Decluttering!

xx, Candace

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